What's Happening This Month
Use the scroll bar to the right to see more items below.
Visit the City of Ottawa Recreation site to sign up for new courses starting in the SPRING.
Nepean Seniors Centre Board Meeting
The minutes for the January Board Meeting have been posted HERE.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
The Nov-Dec eHub has been posted. Click HERE to read the e-Hub.

Events To Watch For
Feb Blahs Bash
The annual February Blahs Bash will be held on Friday, Feb 21, 2025. Please save this date on your calendar.
More details will follow.
Other Items
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Contact the Board
If you wish to make any suggestions about the Nepean Seniors Centre, please email nsc.comments@gmail.com with your comments or suggestions.
To join the Nepean Seniors Centre visit the Nepean Seniors Centre Front Desk at the Nepean Sportsplex (entrance 3) and register there.
You can pay by credit card, debit card, cash, or cheque. The fee is $31.11 for the year.

Nepean Seniors Centre
Health and Fitness Programs, Social Companionship and Enjoying Life are only a few of the programs we offer. Explore our website to discover all of our Programs and Activities.